Monday, November 26, 2007

Game Industry trends

I recently saw an article in Business week related to our final project. It talks about the new generation of games built upon the combination of gaming environment and social networking capabilities (

Monday, November 5, 2007

Service Innovation

I am sure we have all seen's "Instant Getification" commercial about how their search engine gives their users a wholesome experience. This is a service innovation initiative adopted by some of the top search engines (Yahoo, Microsoft LiveSearch and to be able to compete with Google. These companies are providing graphically rich alternatives called "blended" results which include images, videos, maps and local directory information. These companies are redesigning their search engines with new designs and content partly because videos and images can now be indexed. However, the big challenge is how will these companies be able keep their search results simple and easy to read while at the same time providing the users with other useful information?

Google has become a giant industry and they are evolving as well and it will take leaps and bounds for these other companies to compete. Even though Google offers a simplistic experience for its users, it is still efficient and effective. For more insights on this article, you can find it at:
and look under service innovation.


For Starters..

Hi Team,

I can see everyone has been able access the blog. Please let me know if you have any problems posting any blogs. As you guys can see, I have added some links which I think are relevant to this course. Please feel free to add any other relevant links. I am hoping to looking at these links every week and maybe read and comment on an article and post them on our team blog. So for starters, I am going to comment on an article I just read in one of the links in the next topic below. Looking forward to working with you all the rest of the semester. Thanks
